Weekly Vinyl – Big Science

9 Aug

Big Science
Laurie Anderson


It is fashionable to say that some piece of music, or movie, or event, changed your life forever. I don’t believe in that simplistic view of humanity.
I do remember sitting riveted in place when I first heard Laurie Anderson’s O Superman (For Massenet). My mind was blown. I quickly acquired the album and listened to the whole thing. Amazing stuff. This was in the day when radio DJs were not robots and they would often play something that the listener needed to hear. And we needed to hear this.
It is still a wonderful collection of music 30 years later. The sparse sound is filled with soul and emotion. Each note leads into the next perfectly. The array of musical textures you get on this album is overwhelming, from raspy synthesisers to hear-wrenching violins. This album is a masterpiece.

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